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How to uninstall Partoo Chat from your Wordpress website?
How to uninstall Partoo Chat from your Wordpress website?

Uninstall Partoo Chat from your Wordpress website

Beatriz Sierra Sánchez avatar
Written by Beatriz Sierra Sánchez
Updated over 2 months ago

To uninstall the Partoo Chat from your Wordpress site, follow the steps below:

How to remove Partoo Chat from your Wordpress website

1. In the "Settings" tab, open the "Header and Footer Scripts" plugin.

2. Delete the script related to Partoo Chat, then click on "Save settings"

This step is enough to remove Partoo Chat from your website.

How to deactivate the plugin on Wordpress

1. Go to the "Plugins" menu, then click on "Installed plugins"

2. Search for the "Header and Footer scripts" plugin. Then click on "Deactivate"

3. Click on "Delete" to completely remove the plugin from your website.

You can always reactivate Partoo Chat by following the installation steps again.

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