It is possible to add custom fields on Partoo's interface in order to store the information of your choice and retrieve it.
What are the custom fields for ?
This custom field feature enables users to add information from the Partoo's platform in different formats (list, text, number...) and thus build a complete database of local information.
Then, you will be able to recover the data from these custom fields (as well as other data on Partoo) via API to feed your tools (CRM, store-locator, store pages...) or simply stock this information.
What are the different types of custom fields available?
There are currently 7 types of custom fields. Each answers to a specific need, and is associated to particular constraints: Text, boolean, decimal number, integer, single choice, multiple choice & multiple choice of images:
Text: Text to describe a field freely
Boolean: A field type to indicate if the field is present or not
Decimal number: Number with a coma
Integer: Number without coma
Single choice: Selecting one item from a list
Multiple choice: Selecting multiple items from a list
Multiple options of images: Selecting multiple images from a list
How to sort customs fields?
You can sort customs fiels into sections:
Login to your Partoo account
Click on the avatar button at the top right of the page
Select 'Settings' ⚙️, then ‘Integrations’.
Click on ‘Create’ at the top right of the screen and then on ‘Section’.
Add an additional field to a section by dragging and dropping or from the ‘Modify’ option. It is possible to order the sections and additional fields within a section.
The order of the additional fields defined in settings will be the same for business managers in the ‘Additional fields’ tab on the management page of your file.
How do I add custom fields?
You just have to follow these steps to add custom fields on the Partoo app. ⚠️ Only the users with the role of "Administrator" can access this feature⚠️ :
Click on the avatar button at the top right of the page
Select 'Settings' ⚙️
Click on 'Integrations', then click on 'Custom fields'
Click on 'Create', then click on 'Custom field'
Choose the type of custom field you wish to create
Indicate the name and the constraints (if necessary) associated to the custom field, then click on 'Create field'
For 'Select image', you can associate additional information to the images. If the associated data is in JSON format, then you can modify this data in a simplified way, with a key field and a value field.
For 'Select image' , you can add images in two ways:
Via a URL if your image is already hosted online
Via the import of an image from your computer
Who can edit custom fields?
By default, they are editable by all users of the platform. However, it is possible to block some fields or the entire "Additional field" section from your team's rights management interface.