If you manage several establishments, you can edit your data in bulk by Excel file directly from the Partoo application.
If you only manage one establishment, you can edit your data directly from the Partoo editing interface (Learn more).
What data can I update by Excel file from the Partoo application?
Here is the data that can be edited by Excel file from the Partoo application:
Opening times (normal and exceptional)
Descriptions (long and short)
Contacts (phone & email)
Urls (website and social networks)
For bulk edits on fields that are not listed above, please contact us by clicking on the blue bubble at the bottom right.
How do to update data by Excel file from the Partoo application?
Here are the steps to follow to update your classic and specific opening times by Excel file:
1 - Once connected to Partoo, click on "Bulk modification".
2 - Click on "Export data" to export all your data or select the establishments for which you want to export data and then the sections to export. Refer to the list above to have the details of the sections' content.
3 - Go to your emails, and download your data from the email entitled "Data extract".
4 - Fill in the Excel file following the instructions indicated in the file (line 2) and save the edited file
5 - Go back to the "Bulk modification" page of the application, click on "Drag & Drop your file here", select your file and validate (you can also drag and drop it in the insert)
6 - Once the upload is finished, click on "Update fields".
7 - Then go back to your emails and open the email entitled "Integration Report". If the email says "Successful", your data has been updated! 🔥 If not follow the next steps.
8 - If your import failed, click on "Download Report". Cells with errors are highlighted in red.
9 - Correct the cells highlighted in red by following instructions on the file (line 2), save the file and resume at step 5 of this list.